Define a comprehensive, specific and detailed picture of current End User Support Services model and Digital Workplace architecture, comparing them against Market best practices, prices and trends. Identify a roadmap to bring Customer to the next step empowering a Modern Digital Workplace to cover goals related to employees needs and services leveraging on apps, platforms, data.
Bip supported Customer in the definition, design and implementation of a new technological scenario of the Modern Digital Workplace through the following phases
- Assessment of end user support model, workplace architecture, cost model and employee experience
- Benchmark of main trends and practices on technological vendor, service providers and comparable companies
- Global Tender strategy (technologies, sourcing and service model) and roadmap for Workplace evolution
- Drafting of Tender documentation and management of the whole Bid process (Q&A phase, technical evaluation and awarding)
The main result is to have accompanied the customer in a digital transformation process by defining a new architecture and an innovative model of Modern Digital Workplace.
Secondly, the customer was supported in a global bidding process for the award of a new supplier able to guarantee the new services, the necessary support tools and the new organizational model defined.
Assessment of current contract, cost model and employee experience
Benchmark of main trends and practices on technological vendor, service providers and comparable companies
Rational and structured vision of current assets and ongoing initiatives
Identification of clear evolution guidelines to enable improved internal operativity and new business opportunities
Identification of employee requirements and high-level use case design
Get in touch
Milan, Italy | BIP xTech Head Office
Torre Liberty Building
Galleria de Cristoforis 1, Milan, 20121