TIM | Smart Closing with AI

Reliable and timely prediction on managerial closing before the end of month

Published On: January 19, 2022none
TIM | Smart Closing with AI with BIP xTech
Download the Success Story PDF card

The classic “control cycle” based on monthly closures is limited in timeliness (since it is typically a time-consuming manual process), detail (since it works on aggregate items) and performance (because of the limits of the tools typically used – e.g. MS Excel).

In this scenario, the need arises for a faster, prompt, and timely actual data closing, and for a reliable and frequent predictions on short term closure (during the month).


Bip supported TIM in developing an automated and scalable platform based on a proprietary Auto-Machine Learning Engine.

Smart Closing allows to manage daily historical data of the main managerial indicators which contribute to the Service Margin, automating the retrieval of all the relevant analysis dimensions (e.g., prices/tariff plans, offers/promotions, customer segments, usage type, …) via RPA or direct DB connections, checking the overall data quality and applying corrections where necessary.

The forecasting engine is based on an Auto-ML service to speed-up the development process and the outputs are presented through Power BI web dashboards that meet all the executive and operative needs.


The solution provided many qualitative and quantitative benefits such as:

  • Progressively reducing error in the prediction approaching the end of the month
  • Lowering processing times: few hours of computation compared to the 4-5 days previously spent for manual calculations
  • User-friendly tool to support visualization of results
  • Automated extraction of actual data from Legacy systems through RPA

3% end of month forecast error at day 15, 1% forecast error at day 28

10.000+ distinct planning items/forecasting models

50+ data feeds managed automatically

20 less days to obtain a certified managerial pre-closing estimation


The collaboration between TIM and Bip xTech played a fundamental role in acquiring an optimal level of autonomy in the management of run operations. The tool is widely used as an invaluable support for accounting closing operations.

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